[S1 E22] Macronutrients: All About Dietary Fats

Dietary fats are the most caloric micronutrient out of the three macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats).

They contain 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and proteins contain 4 calories per gram. For this reason and others that you will learn, some healthy fats have been attacked socially in diet culture and even removed from some foods, such as milk and other low-fat foods and diets. However, some lesser-healthy fats, such as polyunsaturated and trans fats, remain predominant in processed foods because they help enhance the flavor and palatability of foods, especially when combined with salt and sugar. It is also easier to cook things in oil without sticking or burning, which is why most of the food out there contains cheap seed oils to draw your attention. These oils come as hidden fats in foods, which are also a lot of hidden calories. 

In today’s episode, we are ending our macros series in May, and I’m talking about dietary fats, fats misinformation, the major types of fats, and my top recommended fats. This episode is special because I will also share with you some practical application tips for macronutrients and food logging that will help you balance your macros, body composition, and metabolism to get better results. If you have not listened to the intro, carbohydrate, and protein episodes, make sure you go back and listen to them so that you can have a well-rounded understanding of these three major macros. 

In today’s episode, we cover:

  • [00:00:01] Intro and what in for you in today's episode 

  • [00:05:31] A quick reminder of what macronutrients are

  • [00:05:54] What dietary fats are, and their caloric value

  • [00:07:58] Fat misinformation and demonization in our diet culture

  • [00:13:24] The four major types of fat and how they affect our health 

  • [00:32:39] Dietary fats and their impact on our body fats 

  • [00:35:06] What happens when you have too much or too little fats in your diet 

  • [00:38:57] Eating the amount of healthier fats that make you feel your best 

  • [00:41:40] Quick tips on logging your fats on the fitness app 

  • [00:48:13] Why you need a Dexa and in-body scan for your body composition and metabolism 

  • [00:56:26] Reflecting on the macros to know what your body is naturally drawn to  

  • [00:55:54] Wrap up and end of the show 


  • “Fat-free dairy products just mean that they increase the sugar and other chemicals to stabilize the dairy, which in reality is the fats' job. [08:34]

  • “Not all oils are the same; always opt for extra virgin when you can.” [16:05]

  • “Saturated fats play an essential structural role in the body, especially the structure of cell membrane, and many of them are found in animal foods” [20:13]

  • “Polyunsaturated poly double bonds make them susceptible to oxidative damage when exposed to light, heat or oxygen, and once they get oxidized, they become inflammatory and toxic to the body.” [28:38]

  • ”Eating fatty fish, egg yolk, and moderate amounts of whole nuts and seeds is perfectly fine, but using polyunsaturated fats rich oils to cook with may lead to increased inflammatory risk.”  [28:10]

  • “Avoid industrial seed oils like canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, grapeseed oil; basically, if oils come from the seed, it has to be highly processed out of the seed because that is not a natural oil source.”  [28:23]

  • “Don't be afraid to experiment with different amounts of fats to figure out what works for you and your individual goals.”  [40:12]

  • “So many great things can come from being aware and knowing which food correlates with positive behavior.”  [55:20]

Connect with me: 

Kaileigh Bautista

holistic lifestyle wellness coach + womens health advocate. Passionate about helping women access their best health with more simplicity and less toxic polarization.


[S1 E23] Hot Take Summer: Everything you want to know about Ozempic (& semaglutides)


[S1 E21] Macronutrients: All About Carbohydrates