[S1 E21] Macronutrients: All About Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the most misunderstood macronutrient, and so many of us are victims of a carbohydrate-demonized diet culture.

Dietary carbohydrates are the primary energy sources for our body, the preferred fuel source for our brain and nervous system, and the immediate energy source for muscles during workouts. However, today it is easy to get out of hand with carbohydrates, especially because they're so processed and addictive, and food companies are making a lot of money out of us being addicted to them. Your carbohydrate structure,  simple and complex, affects your health and determines how best you manage your blood sugar. The simpler it is, the easier it gets into your system, and the more complex it is, the harder it is for your body to break down, which is positive because you are not getting blood sugar spikes. 

In today’s episode, I will dive deeper into carbohydrates to help you better understand them, how you can make them work for you and your lifestyle, and what to aim for for longevity or short-term health goals. You don't need to sacrifice carbohydrates. You just need to understand them and learn how to manage them better to make them work for you. Listen through to the end, and get insights and tips on macronutrient counting to help you track your macros effectively.

In today’s episode, we cover:

  • [00:00:01] Intro and what in for you in today's episode 

  • [00:02:24] A quick reminder of what macronutrients are

  • [00:03:57] What exactly are dietary carbohydrates, and how they work in our biology

  • [00:06:53] Why we need carbohydrates in our diet 

  • [00:12:11] Are carbohydrates necessary in our diet every time? Find out

  • [00:15:15] How simple and complex carbohydrates affect your health

  • [00:16:00] Insoluble, soluble, and prebiotic dietary and supplemented fiber 

  • [00:19:43] Why you need to reduce your consumption of simple carbohydrate

  • [00:23:28] Myths around carbs and examples of healthy carbs

  • [00:27:21] How to get out of simple carbohydrates addiction

  • [00:28:13] Ideas on how to integrate complex carbohydrates into your diet

  • [00:37:48] Tip on logging and tracking your carbohydrates on the food tracker app

  • [00:45:34] How food influences our gut health which influences our mood

  • [00:49:52] The best way to get in touch with me and send me your questions

Resources mentioned:

This Is Your Brain On Food Book by Uma Naidoo

Quotes :

  • Gluconeogenesis is the mechanism the body has to create glucose out of any macronutrients; however, we crave sugar because our body knows it is the fastest way to create energy. [03:37]

  • “Different carbohydrates can affect your health based on what type they are; simple and complex structures.” [15:16]

  • “Slower carbohydrate digestion can help regulate the blood sugar levels, promote feeling of fullness, and provide sustained energy.” [15:41]

  • “Potatoes got a bad rap when we started smothering them with butter in the diet culture, but in reality, potatoes are one of the highest sources of potassium of all food sources; they are significantly higher than bananas.” [28:27]

  • ”It is great for you to try to incorporate vegetables in every single meal.”  [29:18]

  • “Roast or saute your vegetables, do not steam or boil them because you will be leaching all of the good nutrients out of them.”  [29:59]

Connect with me: 

Kaileigh Bautista

holistic lifestyle wellness coach + womens health advocate. Passionate about helping women access their best health with more simplicity and less toxic polarization.


[S1 E22] Macronutrients: All About Dietary Fats


[S1 E20] Macronutrients: All About Protein