[S1 E36] Hot Take Summer: Demystifying Birth Control & Cycle Tracking For Your Best Health

Welcome to the final week of Hot Take Summer! 

Today, we're tackling one of the most essential and often overlooked subjects: birth control. But, this episode isn't about old-fashioned teachings or taboos. It's about modern feminine science. 

We'll explore what birth control, especially those with artificial hormones, does to your body. From mood swings to diminished sex drive, liver health to hormonal balance, and even stubborn body fat gain – the implications are vast. We'll navigate through the tricky terrain of conventional medicine and how it sometimes overlooks symptoms attributed to birth control. We'll also discuss my personal journey, what's worked for my clients, and offer a care game plan for detoxing off birth control to reclaim your health, libido, clarity, and emotional well-being. Lastly, we'll uncover unique situations and nuances in feminine health, discussing insights from prominent doctors like Dr. Jolene Brighton and Dr. Stephanie Estima, whose work sheds light on the intricacies of female bodies, specifically regarding birth control. 

So, whether you're curious, concerned, or just ready for a conversation that matters, this episode is a must-listen!

*The information provided in this podcast episode is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I am not a healthcare professional, and the content shared is based on personal experiences, research, and general knowledge.*

In today’s episode, we cover:

  • [00:09:09] Different kinds of birth controls: efficacy and implications on your hormonal health

  • [00:14:34] My story with birth control 

  • [00:25:22] What happens when you take birth control pills 

  • [00:27:25] Getting off birth control pills 

  • [00:30:35] Being in a hormonal disbalance and how to get out of it 

  • [00:38:10] Different birth control options, what to steer clear of, and essential information you need to know

  • [00:52:20] Your body isn't always going to follow specific patterns, make sure you listen to it 

  • [00:56:35] What is the fertility awareness method and how does it work?

  • [01:11:00] Learn your body so you can take care of your body

Resources mentioned:


As we get more connected to our body and understand how things work and how our body works, it can be really empowering to better understand that it's not scary, it's not hard to prevent pregnancy naturally.

Contraceptives take you away from cycling naturally…Just because you bleed does not mean you ovulated.

It's up to your doctor, your practitioner to stay up to date on modern science, especially for feminine health. And if they don't, and if they're not open to it, that's a red flag, find a new practitioner. 

The thing that's really complicated is that unless you know what is going on, you can just try to diet the crap out of yourself and exercise to the moon, literally, and your body won't respond because your hormones are out of balance.

Where I'm at now is just reminding me of how much more amazing it is to not be on fake hormones. 

When you get connected to that divine feminine being you are, you start to learn that society is only teaching us that this sucks. But it's part of who we are. It's part of being a woman, it's part of being a female and it's part of something that is a balance in your life and in your body that is necessary for you to be the best version of yourself possible.

I'm going to be completely transparent about it -it's not an exciting, comfy experience, but nothing that is easy is ever worth it. Right? So, you definitely want to make sure that you come into that with the right mindset and understand that it's part of the process, but it'll get better.

Learn your cycle and track it. You need to find out how many days you usually are cycling. You need to find out how long your period usually is and then you need to find out when you are estimated to ovulate. Learn how your body feels. 

Connect with me: 

Kaileigh Bautista

holistic lifestyle wellness coach + womens health advocate. Passionate about helping women access their best health with more simplicity and less toxic polarization.


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