[S1 E17] Growth mindset: Help! I gained weight (fat) what is going on? Body love at every chapter

Many women are taught to view body fat as a negative aspect of their bodies, something to be feared or eliminated.

In reality, body fat serves an important purpose in our bodies. It provides insulation and protection for our organs, helps regulate our body temperature, and plays a vital role in hormone production. Additionally, gaining body fat can be a sign of our bodies becoming more healthy and nourished, especially for women who are moving towards new fertility goals or experiencing major transitions in life.

So, today I want to talk to you about embracing a growth mindset that celebrates these changes. Rather than fearing the natural evolution of our bodies, we should view it as a positive sign of growth and adaptation. Instead of criticizing ourselves for gaining weight or feeling ashamed of our bodies, we should celebrate our bodies for their resilience and ability to adapt to our changing needs.

Tune in and learn how you too can (and should!) cultivate a positive and empowering relationship with your ever-changing body! 

In today’s episode, we cover: 

  • [00:02:44] How to be at peace with gaining body fat for specific health reasons or a specific chapter

  • [00:07:37] The importance of understanding what range of body fat is healthy for you because we actually need body fat for many different reasons; fat cells support a number of systems in your body and they also excrete hormones

  • [00:10:02] Is your current physique healthy? The lower your body fat percentage as a female, the more stressed your system is going to be

  • [00:13:53] Take other things into consideration: your nutrition, your lifestyle, your stress levels, etc. 

  • [00:16:44] The correlation between your cycle, pregnancy, and your body fat; factors that may lead to the absence of menstruation and how to support your body before, during, and after pregnancy

  • [00:20:40] Focusing on what is your individual body's healthiest look and what is the healthiest thing for your ethnic background, especially as you transition into adulthood 

Resources mentioned:


Gaining body fat is not a marker of your value or worth as a human. 

There's a huge spectrum of women that land in a category where they have never experienced gaining body fat within a healthy range of body fat percentages.

Rework your mindset around understanding what range of body fat is healthy for you and being okay with the changes in your physical body that correlate to that body fat percentage. 

The lower your body fat percentage is as a female, the more stressed your system is going to be.

We should really be focusing on what is my individual body's healthiest look and what is the healthiest thing for my ethnic background.

Whatever part of your journey you're in with your physique, I encourage you to look at it through a different lens and make sure that you give yourself some grace with how your body is changing.

Connect with me: 

Kaileigh Bautista

holistic lifestyle wellness coach + womens health advocate. Passionate about helping women access their best health with more simplicity and less toxic polarization.


[S1 E18] Growth Mindset: Breaking the cycle of negative self-talk


[S1 E16] Growth Mindset: Embracing Body Neutrality in Every Major Transition