[S1 E18] Growth Mindset: Breaking the cycle of negative self-talk

It's all too easy to fall into the trap of negative self-talk, particularly when it comes to our physical appearance.

We're bombarded with messages from society about how we should look and what we should strive for, and it can be tough to feel good about ourselves when we don't meet those expectations. But the truth is, negative self-talk is incredibly damaging to our self-confidence and overall well being.

That's why in today’s episode, I invite you to take a step back and examine your relationship with your body. I share with you why I believe it’s important to commit to a more positive and empowering mindset, and how to build that mindset over time. I also explain how negative self-talk habits can be passed down from generation to generation, why it's so important for us to break that cycle and how by embracing positive self-talk and cultivating a healthy and empowering relationship with our bodies, we can create a better world for future generations. 

So tune in and learn how to make that shift for yourself, and for those who will come after us!

In today’s episode, we cover:

  • [00:00:56] The importance of shifting away from the obsession of our worth and beauty being tied to our body's appearance

  • [00:04:05] Your own talk about your body aka the little conversations and comments you have in your head that are relating to anything physical and how to practice mindfulness and promote positive self-talk

  • [00:19:28] Prompts to keep you from spiraling into negative self-talk

  • [00:22:52] How you speak to others; making comments about other people’s bodies has zero benefit for either party and you can severely impact other people's body image by what you feed them as compliments

Resources mentioned:


We create change when we start from the foundations of the next generation.

I understand that a lot of people are just constantly chasing a certain physique because they've always been praised for it, but that's a really shallow life. 

Write down and observe certain phrases or body talk your parents had about other people or yourself or themselves, and notice whether or not you absorbed that for yourself.

Life can't get very deep when all you care about is something that's literally sometimes out of your control, like your body, it's going to just become an obsession.

You don't fit the clothes, the clothes fit you.

Be very careful and aware of how you speak to yourself about your body because it impacts everything else in your life.

You do not know what other people are going through and making comments about their body, whether they're losing weight or gaining weight, has zero benefit for either party.

If we can enrich and lift up our communities, that is what will change the world.

Connect with me: 

Kaileigh Bautista

holistic lifestyle wellness coach + womens health advocate. Passionate about helping women access their best health with more simplicity and less toxic polarization.


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