[S1 E16] Growth Mindset: Embracing Body Neutrality in Every Major Transition

In today's world, women are often faced with unrealistic beauty standards, leading to a constant battle of trying to achieve the "perfect" body. But what if we shifted our mindset and focused on a growth mindset when it comes to our bodies?

In today’s episode, I explore the concept of body neutrality, where the focus is on feeling healthy and strong rather than conforming to arbitrary beauty norms. Join me to learn how, instead of feeling ashamed or disappointed by changes in our bodies, we can approach them with excitement and treat them as indicators of growth and progress.  By shifting our perspective from one of judgment and criticism to one of compassion and kindness, we can begin to see ourselves in a more positive light, leading to a more empowering approach to fitness and wellness.

It’s time we focus on feeling strong and healthy, rather than trying to conform to society's arbitrary beauty standards!

In today’s episode, we cover:

  • [00:02:01] The concept of body neutrality: a philosophy that focuses on what your body can do for you rather than what it looks like

  • [00:06:55] Why do we focus so much on weight and body size? Society has taught us that certain weights and sizes are ideal, but these standards are arbitrary and don't take into account individual genetics and lifestyle.

  • [00:16:44] Understanding the scale and also what it means in order to build a stronger understanding and relationship with your weight

  • [00:24:50] Female vs Male: What is the healthy body fat range for women and how do pregnancy and postpartum affect the body?

  • [00:35:43] Each chapter in your life is going to be shown on your body. Gaining weight isn't innately bad and it doesn't always mean that you're getting less healthy; treat fat gain or fat loss as feedback 

Resources mentioned


Females associate their worth and their value with their weight on the scale, and it's an arbitrary number that's literally just your gravity as a piece of mass in a skin suit.

There is nothing more freeing than loving yourself in actuality, taking care of your body as it is now, and continuing to shape it and nourish it as time goes on.

Who am I to choose what my body is supposed to be? I'm trying to shoot for a body size that my body is never meant to be. My body was never happy there. 

We can't simply just choose what weight and what body type we want to have and think that we must be able to achieve it. “We just have to try harder. We just have to eat less. We just have to do more cardio. We just have to be more disciplined.”  Whatever your ”just” is, it’s probably not possible. 

You cannot gain muscle, you cannot gain mass without a surplus of calories to fuel the gaining of said mass.

We get shamed to look better than we did before pregnancy as if it's some ultimate achievement.

Each chapter in your life is a bit of your individual story and it's going to be shown on your body.

Putting on fat doesn't always mean that you're getting less healthy. It often means that you are shifting into a different kind of hormonal state.

You are so much more than just how you physically look, what you weigh on the scale, and whether or not you're a size 0 or a size 10.

Connect with me: 

Kaileigh Bautista

holistic lifestyle wellness coach + womens health advocate. Passionate about helping women access their best health with more simplicity and less toxic polarization.


[S1 E17] Growth mindset: Help! I gained weight (fat) what is going on? Body love at every chapter


[S1 E15] Muscle Growth: All about healthy calorie goals, protein, and progressive overload for women!