[S1 E32] Hot Take Summer: How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Health Journey (the #1 mistake I constantly see)

Are you sabotaging your own wellness journey without even realizing it?

Today, we're diving deep into the common ways we inadvertently hinder our health and fitness goals, and, more importantly, how to break free from these self-imposed limitations. Join me as I share valuable insights and practical tips aimed at helping you identify and conquer self-sabotaging behaviors. I'll provide you with actionable strategies to dismantle these obstacles and foster a harmonious connection with your body and fitness goals

Get ready to explore the psychological nuances that contribute to self-sabotage, and let's work together to shift your mindset toward fostering lasting empowerment and change.  It's time to bid farewell to those counterproductive habits and pave the way for a successful and sustainable wellness journey.

P.S. Make sure you stay to the end of this chat because I'm going to be touching on some things that you may not even realize are self-sabotaging your health journey, but it is something that is so common and I’ve seen it single-handedly derail or slow down my clients so many times.

*This podcast episode contains discussions about dieting, weight loss, and related topics. We recognize that these discussions can be sensitive and potentially triggering for some individuals. If you find these topics distressing, we recommend skipping this episode or seeking support from a mental health professional.*

In today’s episode, we cover: 

  • [00:01:08] What Hot Take Summer episodes are all about 

  • [00:09:05] This is why restrictive programs don’t work 

  • [00:14:14] The significance of your cycle and how hormones affect mood and body image

  • [00:22:58] Observing your self-sabotaging thoughts and habits without judgment 

  • [00:27:14] Acknowledge it, pause, and think about it

  • [00:32:13] Following strict fad diets and the yo-yo effect 

  • [00:37:54] Lack of control and getting into unhealthy eating and training patterns 

  • [00:44:32] Setting boundaries with your friends and 

  • [00:48:00] Consuming too much social media leaves you in comparison or confusion 

  • [01:02:21] You do have the power to break free from self-limiting behaviors

Resources mentioned:


The hardest thing to control is our mind and our mindset and the narratives we've been taught and that we keep alive with our constant “next thoughts”.

Long-term stuff isn't sexy. Long-term stuff is never sexy.

We're a quick-fix world. We're “Amazon everything”. We want everything right now. And I'm even somebody who falls prey to that

The luteal phase is the worst time to actually believe thoughts you are having about your body.

Any of us who tend to measure ourselves against some concept of perfection will literally never achieve it. 

You don't need perfection to achieve your optimal health, wellness, physique, or whatever it is that you really, truly desire.

You don't need to be perfect right now. You're doing the best you can and you're doing a great job.

If anything is achieved too quickly, it's never going to last because you got there too fast. 

Connect with me: 

Kaileigh Bautista

holistic lifestyle wellness coach + womens health advocate. Passionate about helping women access their best health with more simplicity and less toxic polarization.


[S1 E33] Hot Take Summer: Pour Decisions - How might alcohol be impacting your health and fat-loss goals?


[S1 E31] Hot Take Summer: The Scoop on Sports Supplements