[S1 E44] Scary or Not: Staying Aligned with your Health Goals through the Holiday Season

In our final episode of the “Scary or Not" series, I want to tackle a topic that can be both challenging and a little frightening for many of us – managing our health goals during the holiday season. 

The holiday season often presents a daunting challenge, with an abundance of food and the pressure to maintain our health goals. But fear not! I'm here to provide you with fresh perspectives and practical strategies to help you navigate this season with confidence.

This episode is jam-packed with flexible tips to suit various wellness goals, whether it's maintenance, fat loss, or weight gain - from which foods to reach for, the order to eat them, all the way to what to wear to feel your best at events so you can fully enjoy the holiday season while staying true to your wellness journey.

In this episode, my ultimate goal is for you to emerge from the holiday season feeling healthy, balanced, and less stressed. Be mindful of your thoughts, habits, and behaviors during events, and don't be too hard on yourself if you make occasional mistakes. It's all about finding a harmonious and sustainable approach to your well-being this holiday season. So, let's dive into these strategies to help you make the most of this time with your friends and family, all while focusing on your health and wellness.

In today’s episode, we cover: 

  • [00:04:53] Navigating OND and different categories of health goals

  • [00:09:12] Maintaining balance and avoiding derailment

  • [00:11:47] Looking at the macro picture - your health goals assessment

  • [00:17:20] Make the holiday season a maintenance season     

  • [00:20:08] Rules to help you navigate this holiday season depending on your health goals

  • [00:28:06] Nutrient order and other food hacks for attending parties this holiday season (including your outfit options as well)

  • [00:41:36] The importance of having foresight into your week.

Resources mentioned:


Sometimes we forget that we can do both. You can have a night where you have pie and wine, and then you can go back to your nourishing, healthy habits during the other days of that week.

Understand that not everything you see is exactly the way it is. There's just a ton of smoke and mirrors on social media. 

If you're somebody who is trying to go into the holiday season with a deficit, you need to have a game plan. You have to stick to it at least 90% of the time, especially for females.

Know your holiday season, know what things are usually going to happen that you're going to partake in, and decide if that is right for you.

For somebody who's in a surplus phase, this is your time to enjoy the foods that you want to eat.

The usual nutrient order that is best for you is your protein item, your good quality fats, and then follow at the end with your starches.

Please don't starve yourself. I know that it's really easy to just avoid eating, but it's going to have a negative impact on you metabolically and mentally, especially if you're consuming alcohol.

Find a good way to put yourself in a position where you feel comfortable and you can enjoy the evening - you can eat the foods, you can drink the things, you can sit in whatever position you want and you feel comfortable. 

Connect with me: 

Kaileigh Bautista

holistic lifestyle wellness coach + womens health advocate. Passionate about helping women access their best health with more simplicity and less toxic polarization.


[S1 E45] Chats with Kailes: Redefining Body Image & Personal Growth - Conversations with a Former Female Fitness Pro


[S1 E43] Scary or Not: Is making the shift to being healthier overwhelming for you?